Serving Franklin County, WA

Articles from the May 1, 2024 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 3 of 3

  • Lind Birthdays and Anniversaries

    Updated May 1, 2024

    LIND — The following residents are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries from May 1-7: Birthdays May 1 Sharon Lobe, Barb Keith and Henry Hilsinger May 4 — Ian Youngren May 5 — Janet Phillips May 6 — Jeff Bell and Walter Crow May 7 — Carole Thorne and Isaiah Davis Anniversaries May 4 — Ray and Char Baker, and D.J. and Breanne Williamson May 6 — Craig and Jessica Cooper May 7 — Adam and Karissa Labes...

  • Representatives to be missed

    Don C. Brunell|Updated May 1, 2024

    Too many pragmatic Democrats and Republicans in Congress are retiring at a time when we need them most. Two are from Washington: Reps. Derek Kilmer, D-Olympic Peninsula, and Cathy McMorris Rodgers R-Spokane. McMorris Rodgers and Kilmer cut their political teeth in the state Legislature. While they faithfully followed their parties, they found ways to come together on issues vital to our state. McMorris Rodgers was elected to Congress in 2004 and Kilmer in 2012. Recently,...

  • Okay, I had fun

    Dale Anderson|Updated May 1, 2024

    I sometimes think that I am way too busy at my age but that can also be my fault. When a person retires they are supposed to do this or do that but whatever you do don’t sit around and do nothing. So I’m at least not doing nothing. This was a much anticipated weekend for some time now with the Invitational track meet on Saturday but also the EWU spring football game on Friday. My buddy Kenny G. came to town on Friday and we drove to Cheney for a reception pre-football wit...

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