Serving Franklin County, WA

Opinion / Guest Column

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 136

  • No doubt CRT is taught in our schools

    Liv Finne, Washington Policy Center|Updated Oct 14, 2024

    Is Critical Race Theory being taught in Washington public schools or not? In 2021, the Legislature passed, and on May 5th that year Gov. Jay Inslee signed, Senate Bill 5044 to require the teaching of “...equity, cultural competency, and dismantling institutional racism in the public school system.” This is the academic description for Critical Race Theory. The bill was implemented through the Washington state learning standards using the “Ethnic Studies Framework.” Academi...

  • Schools cash flush, grade poor

    Liv Finne, Washington Policy Center|Updated Oct 11, 2024

    Recently state schools superintendent Chris Reykdal announced that he plans to ask the legislature for another $2.9 billion for public education. This would be on top of the current $20.1 billion education budget. Like the changing leaves of Fall, every year around this time Reykdal asks for more money. Let’s ask ourselves, Will pouring in more money make a difference to children? The data shows the answer is “No.” For years the state has increased education spending, and t...

  • Should family leave act exist?

    Elizabeth New, Washington Policy Center|Updated Oct 4, 2024

    We already know workers with middle and upper incomes most often benefit from the state's paid family and medical leave fund. It's also true that many beneficiaries are repeat users, and that those benefiting more than once have higher wages than one-time users. I asked the Employment Security Department how many people have filed more than one claim for taxpayer-paid time off, work given the pattern I know with child-rearing - kid one and kid two usually come within a few...

  • Politicians need to emulate Dan Evans

    Don C. Brunell|Updated Sep 25, 2024

    America needs a statesperson of the stature, capability, and perspective of Daniel J. Evans as our next President. Dan Evans died on September 20 at the age of 98 after serving as our state’s three term governor, two term U.S. Senator, a state legislator and in many prominent civic and public positions beginning in the late 1950s. He was political and partisan, but Evans was pragmatic, tough and a problem-solver. He was a visionary who was not afraid to take a risk even if it...

  • Nobody using BEAD program

    Donald Kimball|Updated Sep 24, 2024

    In 2021, the Biden Administration passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which included a provision to give $42.5 billion to the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment program to provide under-served and rural areas with internet access. To date, it has connected nobody. The plan required U.S. states and territories to submit plans for investment and deployment by the end of 2023, which all have done. Expected roll out won't occur until 2026 by most optimistic...

  • Reverse natural gas ban law

    Don C. Brunell|Updated Sep 18, 2024

    Whether you call it a ban or a significant deterrent to future natural gas consumption, voter approval of Initiative 2066 in Washington may be only the first giant pothole to fill. The next one in the road ahead may be a hefty tax on natural gas. In 2019, Berkeley, Calif., became the first city to prohibit natural gas connections in new buildings. San Jose, New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, and others followed. However, last year the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals deliver...

  • Repeal punitive payroll tax

    Elizabeth New, Washington Policy Center|Updated Sep 11, 2024

    All the increased costs Washingtonians experienced during the past year were accompanied by a $1.3-billion hit on workers’ paychecks. The widespread pay decrease in Washington state was compliments of a new payroll tax that began in 2023 to fund a program called WA Cares. In a recent meeting, the Employment Security Department told the Long-Term Security and Supports Trust Commission not to get used to higher-than-expected income, in case wage and employment information c...

  • Electoral College should be protected

    Chris Cargill, Mountain States Policy Center|Updated Sep 3, 2024

    Seventeen states and the District of Columbia have joined in an agreement to award their Electoral College votes in a U.S. election to the winner of the national popular vote. The National Popular Vote compact, NPV as it is called, has gained steam over the past 25 years, lead mostly by liberal leaning states eager to work around the Electoral College. The legislation, which is identical in each state, requires the state to award its electoral votes to the candidate who receives the most popular votes nationwide. This could...

  • COVID progam wasting funds

    Elizabeth New, Washington Policy Center|Updated Sep 3, 2024

    Do you have expired COVID-19 tests in your cupboards? Go look. If you ordered “free” tests from the government, know that many of the boxes likely say they’ve expired. People paying attention to expiration dates have been lining landfills with the taxpayer-provided tools (or using tests that have expired). I fear this is going to be happening for a lot longer. That’s because the Biden Administration recently announced that each U.S. household will be able to, once again,...

  • Eventually, the money will run out

    Mark Harmsworth, Washington Policy Center|Updated Aug 22, 2024

    An extensive study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research concludes that universal basic income, the government gifting of taxpayer dollars, doesn’t have the effect that proponents of forced re-distribution of wealth would have hoped for. In fact, the opposite is true. A universal basic income promises a government guaranteed income which is supposed to improve the economic situation of those receiving the money, typically median or lower income families. The s...

  • Read and tread carefully

    Lou Marzeles|Updated Jul 30, 2024

    I received some fantastic news last week! I received an email that read: “Hello Lou Marzeles.” (Okay, there should have been a comma after hello, but I’m a professional editor highly trained to notice such details in a world that drops punctuation and whole sentence errors by the dozen every second. I was willing to let that go. I figured they were just in such a hurry to share the good news.) “This is Mazie Reddit.” (Hm. Okay, another pause. Really? Mazie Reddit? Reddit is a website. And I’ve never heard of anyone with the n...

  • State misses wolf delisting opportunity

    Pam Lewison|Updated Jul 30, 2024

    In basketball, when an opponent is trying to steal the ball from you, teammates will shout, “wolf!” Last Friday the Washington State Fish & Wildlife Commission ignored the cries of “wolf!” from state agency and tribal scientists, livestock raisers, and others when they voted not to downlist or delist the gray wolf in Washington state. The predators which have enjoyed 15 years of population increases are still considered an endangered species after a 5-4 vote. The most recent...

  • Restoring balance to America's regulations

    Don C. Brunell|Updated Jul 25, 2024

    The U.S. Chamber of Commerce looked at the cost of regulations in America and found that excessive protocols are undercutting our economy and costing us jobs. Federal rules alone have exploded, and the Chamber says they cost $1.7 trillion. Unwarranted state labor and employment mandates resulted in a 700,000-job loss. On the other hand, paring back state regulations which exceed federal standards now spawns 50,000 new businesses each year. The Chamber report does not indict go...

  • Agencies should be liable for expert bias

    Todd Myers, Washington Policy Center|Updated Jul 16, 2024

    Scientific experts are prone to bias, overestimate their certainty and government systems are not good at adjusting to new science. Those admonitions come from Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor in a statement addressing the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear the case of Charles C. McCrory v. Alabama. In the piece, Sotomayor asks what courts should do when faced with convictions “resting on science that has now been wholly discredited?” The question offer lessons for how g...

  • Hope for health-care access

    Don C. Brunell|Updated Jul 3, 2024

    One of the most vexing problems with our nation’s health care system is getting a timely doctor’s appointment. Our primary care network is overwhelmed. More than 100 million Americans lack a primary care provider. A quarter of those are children and the problem is worsening, according to the National Association of Community Health Centers. Our country has a growing and aging population that will need more care. Combined with an aging workforce of physicians nearing ret...

  • Into the wild blue yonder

    Teresa Simpson, Whitman County Gazette|Updated Jun 28, 2024

    On Friday, I had an opportunity to fly aboard a U.S. Air Force KC-135 aircraft and see the demonstration team in action. I was a frequent flyer when I was in college (I choose to go to a college in Illinois). So, when my boss asked if I wanted to try to fly on the massive Air Force plane, I told him that I loved flying. I was excited the opportunity would further my knowledge of military history and would enjoy talking to a veteran crew about their experiences. My mother was...

  • Paid leave costs increasing annually

    Elizabeth New, Washington Policy Center|Updated Jun 19, 2024

    The number of people tapping the taxpayer-provided Paid Family and Medical Leave fund is increasing every year. The paid-leave program was launched in 2020. It imposes a tax on employers and workers, whether or not the workers ever use the program. The money is used to allow some workers taxpayer-paid time off if they have a serious health condition, need to care for people or want to bond with a new child on taxpayers' dimes. If you build it they will come. And they did. The...

  • Trail Life offers anti-woke scouting

    Family Policy Institute of Washington|Updated Jun 19, 2024

    You may have heard the news that the beloved Boy Scouts organization is rebranding for the sake of inclusion. Their new name is “Scouting America,” which allows not only all girls, but the so-called “transgendered” girls who think they are boys. The rebrand includes a concerted effort to recruit more LGBT members in the organization. This shift is a direct result of the dominance of the so-called “woke culture.” Why, you may ask, is this shift necessary? After all, girls who are interested in becoming scouts could just...

  • Ag worker laws need reformed

    Madi Clark, Washington Policy Center|Updated May 29, 2024

    Note: U.S. Congressman Mike Simpson, R-Idaho, contributed to this column. American farmers feel like the little red hen working alone to grow the wheat, mill the flour, and make the bread, as they struggle to meet labor demands across sectors. Few domestic workers find agricultural employment attractive and our nation's visa program to hire foreign workers for agricultural work simply does not work for employers or employees. From spring pruning to fall harvest farm labor demands go unmet across every crop and region, as...

  • Honor kin of those killed in service

    Don C. Brunell|Updated May 22, 2024

    On Memorial Day, we traditionally honor Americans in our military who gave their lives in battle for our country. It is called the “Ultimate Sacrifice,” and they died protecting our freedoms and keeping us safe. In recent times, we have acknowledged our citizens in uniform who continue to suffer with permanent combat emotional and physical scars. They are alive largely because our battlefield survival is dramatically improving, and our accompanying rehabilitation expands. Thi...

  • Someone paid for your freedoms

    Roger Harnack|Updated May 22, 2024

    Disappointingly, many Americans are worried about silly first-world problems like where to go boating or what to barbecue over the upcoming weekend. Too many view this upcoming three-day break as an excuse to eat, drink and party, never giving a thought as to why Memorial Day is observed. So while you’re anxiously awaiting the long weekend, take time to remember, understand and plan to observe Memorial Day. Memorial Day is dedicated to the men and women killed while serving i...

  • Consequences of breaching the Snake River dams

    Jason Mercier|Updated May 8, 2024

    The Snake River dams are critical to the infrastructure of our region, providing not only reliable power but also many other economic benefits. Removing these dams would have many negative impacts. You don’t have to take my word for it. Here are some of the findings from the multi-year public process in 2020 conducted by The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration:: “[Breaching] would not meet the objective to Provide a Rel...

  • Family caregivers won't benefit

    Elizbeth New|Updated May 8, 2024

    The May 1 meeting of a WA Cares oversight commission should be must-see-TV, as it made one thing super clear: There is going to be a lot of disappointment if WA Cares remains a mandatory program funded by 58 cents (or more) of every $100 a worker earns. Not only will some workers not qualify for the money they're being told should give them peace of mind about possible long-term-care needs, Washingtonians who do qualify for a WA Cares benefit won't be able to fully choose how the money gets spent. There is the law that create...

  • Representatives to be missed

    Don C. Brunell|Updated May 1, 2024

    Too many pragmatic Democrats and Republicans in Congress are retiring at a time when we need them most. Two are from Washington: Reps. Derek Kilmer, D-Olympic Peninsula, and Cathy McMorris Rodgers R-Spokane. McMorris Rodgers and Kilmer cut their political teeth in the state Legislature. While they faithfully followed their parties, they found ways to come together on issues vital to our state. McMorris Rodgers was elected to Congress in 2004 and Kilmer in 2012. Recently,...

  • Study: capping rent costs won't help

    Mark Harmsworth|Updated Apr 17, 2024

    In a backwards approach to helping tenants, the Federal Government is capping rent increases on subsidized housing at 10% in a bid to reduce the cost of rental properties. The result, should the measures be adopted, will be exactly the opposite and rents will go up. When you place caps on rent, instead of letting the market drive the pricing, the supply of rental property declines and the result is higher demand and higher prices for rent. There is a short-term impact to...

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