Serving Franklin County, WA

Republicans call for Rep. Newhouse to appear

Local conservatives demand the congressman explain his impeachment vote

PASCO — Franklin County Republican leaders are calling on Congressman Dan Newhouse to appear in person and explain himself in his decision to vote to impeach President Donald Trump.

In a letter to the Sunnyside Republican, Franklin County precinct committee called out Newhouse for siding with Democrats in Washington, D.C., as well as failing to meet with them during his tenure in Congress.

"We, the Precinct Committee Officers and Members of the Franklin County Republican Central Committee find ourselves without Congressional representation," the letter said. "We’ve neither seen nor heard from you in years. Our lack of representation by you is compounded by your floor speech and ensuing vote of impeachment."

Republicans are demanding Newhouse appear at a Franklin County Republicans meeting before June 1 to explain himself and why he went against his constituency in voting in favor of impeachment.

"We repudiate your vote," the letter said.

According to the letter, President Trump advocated for "peacefully and patriotically" letting Congress hear the voices of his supporters.

He did incite any riot, the letter said.

"Mr. Congressman, impeachment is a serious charge that the constitution reserves for “high crimes and

misdemeanors," the letter said. "With your speech and your vote, you have betrayed your constituents."

The letter notes that the Washington State Republican Party has censured Newhouse.

It further notes that Republican committees in six of the eight counties that make up the Fourth Congressional District have demanded Newhouse resign immediately.

Newhouse has previously said publicly that he is refusing to resign.

"You have lost touch with the people you claim to represent," the letter said.

Because Republicans said they do not have a constitutional process to recall Rep. Newhouse, they are demanding Newhouse appear in person "so that you can hear from the people who have supported you, and respond to the lack of trust, the lack of confidence, and the lack of faith that we now have with you."


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