Serving Franklin County, WA
Name: Stephanie Hallman
Employment/Business/Other Experience: Nurse Case Manager for Reliable Healthcare/Nurse 30 years m
Community Service: American Red Cross
Education: BS Occupational Safety and Health, BA Troy University, Wallace Community College Nursing and EMT program graduate
Family: Married with two adult children and one grandson.
1.What are your goals for the city of Connell?
Create policies that protect the hometown feel of Connell yet helps develop businesses that bring in investments to the local economy. Create more programs for children especially those under 5.
2.If elected, how would you change/improve the quality of life here?
If elected I will like to help facilitate a system that the efforts are driven with a partnership with the local colleges specifically CBC, other nonprofit agencies, local economic leaders in Connell as well as Tricities Occurring at the local level, the goal is to develop an ecosystem whose efforts are driven by partnerships with community colleges, nonprofit organizations, local economic-development leaders and private industry. The partnership could help develop more services and potential jobs to Connell.
3.What would you do to address the rising cost of housing in Connell?
Advocating for what's called as Middle Housing. Duplexes, Triplexes that fall between apartments and single family homes. This will create more housing at a cheaper cost than the traditional single family home.
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