Serving Franklin County, WA

Lind council approves 2025 budget

Town's new budget totals $2.11 million

LIND - The Lind budget was tabled, brought back to life, tabled again, and thoroughly argued.

But on Thursday night, Dec. 26, the town council chose to pass it by a 3-1 vote. Councilman Jeremiah Shea opposed the budget plan.

The numbers for Ordinance 24-09 include a Current Expense Fund of $290,430 with 10 additional expenses making a grand total of $2,105,647.91.

The break in the very palpable log jam started forward motion about one hour and six minutes into the meeting.

Councilman Robert Dew was not present and Councilwoman Jamie Schmunk participated on the phone line.

A short lull in the typically active council conversation was preceded by Councilwoman Anna Dobbins asking Schmunk, "So ,what are you thinking, Jamie?"

Schmunk pondered the question for only a few seconds and responded, "I think as far as the budget goes, and the numbers that I saw recently, as long as we have all the money from the ARPA account taken care of properly and not losing it, I think the rest of the budget if probably okay."

Schmunk suggested council members "do some more training to be able to answer line item questions... to be more of a part this coming year in doing the budget and making suggestions for the budget...

"But I do believe the budget can be accepted in this way, as long as that $59,000 is good and they made the changes I requested."

The $59,000 was a new look at available ARPA funds for Lind, which the line item proposed budget had given at $50,000.

"I think we can go ahead and pass the budget tonight," Schmunk said.

Schmunk made the motion to accept the budget.

Although Shea did vote against the budget, he did not comment.

In other business:

• The council voted to ask the Community Church to continue to use the building as a meeting place at the cost of $50 per instance. "I think it would be fine to go through here," Shea said. "I have no problem supporting the church, because it does help them a little bit of the bills."

• The council approved making payments of $30,444.95 to the warrant check register.

• There was an unresolved debate about making payment for replacement of a damaged water pump at the wastewater treatment plant.

• The almost perpetual theme regarding maintenance of town water wells was debated earlier in the evening with little advancement.


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